
Overflow by Craig Booker

20 Years Chasing The Wrong Dream

Published almost 2 years ago • 3 min read

Craig Booker

May 19, 2022

Hello Reader,

I honestly thought this part of writing a book would be the easy part.

I finished the first draft on a 15-year journey to write my first book. What could be so challenging about editing, organizing, and publishing my first book?


Lots Of Questions
What goes into book editing? I never took this course in school. Should I file for copywrite protection for the book first or hire a book cover designer? Even with the convenience of the internet, investigating all of these unknowns takes time. I have a cue of podcasts and audiobooks that goes on for days. I listen each day, hoping to find the answers. Each day God leads me along this journey.

Reliving The Past
This morning I found myself struggling to write the chapter following the introduction of my book. After writing over 36,000 words, I realized I never told the reader what got me to this point in my journey with fear and anxiety. Oops!

Sure, I told bits and pieces throughout the book, but never a coherent story from start to finish. I never quite explained what led to what I call my breaking point. No, I did not break. I realized that my fear and anxiety were too much for me to handle on my own.

So, this morning I relived past trauma that led me here. 😳

My Purpose Is Clear
I do all of this with clear purpose. My story is not my story. I surrendered my life and my experiences to Jesus years ago. Now my story is HIS story (history).

Do you see what I did there? 😉

Money, Money, Money (Sung in my best singing voice)
Believe it or not, I do not intend to make much money selling books. From what I am learning through audiobooks and podcasts, I might break even if all goes well. What?!?

You read that correctly.

My book is a tool, a way for me to give generously to serve others. It is about getting it into the hands of as many people as possible.

How can you help? Check out the section “Help Spread The Word” below 👇 for ways you can help.

As I edit I am asking myself questions:

  • How does this help the boy/girl/man/woman struggling with fear, anxiety, and depression?
  • What resources can I create to serve the friends and relatives who know someone battling anxiety?
  • How do I practically provide hope while being honest about the struggle?
  • How do I acknowledge the struggle in light of what the Bible says about living with fear and anxiety?

Thank You
I cannot express how much I appreciate your support. Thank you, thank you, thank you to those who have signed up on this journey with me.

Let’s Get The Word Out
Please tell those you know how they can come along on this journey with us. I have provided resources below 👇 to help you do just that.

Trust me, I know it is uncomfortable, but think about those people struggling to find hope amid fear and anxiety. Think about your friends and family who have no clue how to help the people they love.

Remember, there is hope!
This book is a tool to help your friends and family, but I cannot get it to them without your help!

Thanks again!


20 Years Chasing The Wrong Dream

20 Years Chasing The Wrong Dream

In December of 2005, I published a blog article titled, "What Is Holding You Back?" The article was a brief discussion about what keeps us from achieving our dreams. I guess I didn't really put two and two together back then or did I? The longer I…

Help Spread the Word

Encourage your friends and family to sign up to receive my free guide, 5 Ways To Find Calm In The Chaos.

By signing up, your friends will receive:

- A free guide, 5 Ways To Find Calm In The Chaos
- Announcements about Craig’s upcoming book release
- Exclusive bonuses for Craig’s upcoming book

Ways To Share

1) To sign up, your friends and family can go to:

2) Send an email to friends or family using my sample template 👇 below.
Feel free to change this template to your liking.

You have no idea how much this helps, so THANK YOU!!

Sample Template Email

Hello _____,

I wanted to take a minute to share something I thought you might enjoy.

My (friend/son/relative/fill-in-the-blank), Craig Booker, is a writer who publishes weekly articles on faith, mental health, personal growth, and technology. I recently downloaded Craig’s guide, 5 Ways To Find Calm In The Chaos and thought you might enjoy it. I also enjoy receiving Craig’s weekly articles, and I thought you might as well!

How To Get Your Free Guide

To download your free guide, go to:

What You Will Receive
By signing up, you will receive:

- A free guide, 5 Ways To Find Calm In The Chaos
- Announcements about Craig's upcoming book release
- Exclusive bonuses for Craig’s upcoming book


Overflow by Craig Booker

Join a growing community learning about brain health and following Jesus.

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